12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并谈到了与上海申花之间的争冠局势,希望这种良性竞争能够吸引更多支持者。








体坛:你曾执教日本和澳大利亚联赛并获得冠军,现在来到中超第一年又获胜,对这三国足球有哪些看法? < p >< strong > 穆斯卡特: 这是人的天性,总喜欢比较,但实际上每个国家都有其独特之处。例如,澳洲联赛事先设定工资帽,而日本则没有;而中超虽然有限薪,但是外援数量较多。这使得直接比较变得复杂。然而,中超整体水准相当不错,从近几个月来看,相比以往更加积极主动,这是推动运动员成长的一种方式。此外,中超球迷热情如火,无论客场还是主场都能感受到他们的大力支持,这让我倍感欣慰。我希望这些粉丝知道,他们也是我们成功的一部分。

< Strong > 体坛 : 在中国,人们普遍认为结果至关重要。那么你的带队理念是否想传递一种新理解给中国观众呢? < P >< STRONG>MUSCAT:I think the importance of results is not unique to China; it’s a global phenomenon. In both Australia and China, investment in football should focus on children around age ten because they are crucial for future success. If we only chase immediate results with our current player pool, it's challenging. We need to cultivate young talent who will surpass their predecessors over time—this approach isn't solely about quick wins.

The key is sustainable performance leading to consistent outcomes. My focus right now is on players' performances while preparing effectively for next season since preparation influences actual performance.

You look at successful football nations like Spain: they've consistently produced better generations of players due to sustained development efforts—not just short-term achievements driven by urgency.< / P > CENTERED ON A SPECIFIC ASPECT CAN YIELD DIFFERENT OUTCOMES AND DEBATES ABOUT WHAT MATTERS MORE: RESULTS OR PERFORMANCE?>

If we're well-prepared, we'll have greater opportunities for excellent displays which naturally lead us toward victory—that's where I believe our energy should be directed.

< BOLD>"This summer you were approached by several European clubs as a professional coach aspiring to prove yourself in Europe similar to Tottenham's manager Postecoglou but declined those offers - why?" />> ID ="RANDOM_1"> " >“His influence has been significant! Working together closely helped shape me professionally." /> "I admire his philosophy greatly—it can be challenging integrating principles into visible actions accepted during matches."> " *** ***