




  • 门将: 大马丁(阿根廷/维拉,32岁)
  • 后卫: 迪马尔科(意大利/国米,27岁)、范迪克(荷兰/利物浦,33岁)、吕迪格(德国/皇马,31岁)、卡瓦哈尔(西班牙/皇马,32岁)
  • 中场: 罗德里(西班牙/曼城, 28岁)、贝林厄姆(英格兰 / 皇马, 21 岁)、克罗斯 (德国 / 皇 马 ,34 岁)
  • 前锋:维尼修斯 (巴 西 / 皇 马 ,24 岁),哈 兰 德(挪威/MAN 城 ,24 岁),亚 马 尔(西 班牙/BAR 萨 ,17 岁)
    主教练:安切洛蒂 (皇家 馆 ,65 )


主教练: 安切 洛蒂 ( 皇家 馆 ,65 )

安 切 洛 蒂 带领 皇家 餐 再次 问 鼎 欧洲 顶峰,他 在 球 员 + 教 不期已 拿下 七座 欧 冠! 运筹帷幄之间、决胜千里之外!替补奇兵何塞卢的发挥恍如昨日,而姆巴佩 的到来更让皇家显得星光熠熠 。荣誉满满的安切洛蒂,不仅能化腐朽为神奇,还能够因材施教激发球星潜力,无愧于“绿茵教父”的称号! 门 将 : 大 马 丁 ( 阿 根 廷 / 威 拉 、32 歲 ) :

b 一夫当关 ! 达 米 安 - 玛 丁 内斯 加盟 阿 士 登 毅 四 年 来一直是球队定海神针,以46场比赛16 次零封,大玛丁用无数惊艳扑救守护着球队最后一道防线,并带领维拉时隔41年重返欧冠。在国际赛场上,他同样表现抢眼,为阿根廷赢得三连冠,用完美发挥证明自己是世界顶级门将。他将在未来继续以勇敢姿态捍卫自己的球门,并向更多荣耀发起冲击。 ( 后 卫: Dimi Arco | 意 大 利| 国 米 |27): 螳螂 狼狈并且进攻犀利,是公认的一流左后卫;近两年来他凭借实力不断提升声望,如今成为最贵左后卫之一; 在 他 的帮助 下 国米 赢 得 意甲冠军 和超级 杯 两个奖 项,同时贡献7 助 攻,这种优秀表现在业界引起赞叹——伟大的意大利 左边 街名不虚传! Bane Dick | 荷 兰/Liverpool|33:"他们还以为我不行了" ——这是 范 · 碌 克 面对镜头回应过往批评的话语 ; 除此之外,他也在联赛 中 帮助 Liverpool 排 名 英 超第三,本季则领先积分榜,而国家队方面他的稳健表现亦使荷兰晋身欧洲四强; 到底是什么让这位老帅依旧如此坚韧 ? 答案很简单,那就是成绩— “只要我存在,就一定会限制住最低标准”。 Lü Di Ge | German/RM|31;: 如 用一个词形 容 吕 弟 格2010 或许应 为 " 能者多劳"; 身处伤病泛滥 辛苦局势中但仍然担任绝对核心支柱角色 — 同 时帮忙 RM 收获 三项 荣誉 并协助 Germany 晋级8 强! 稳 定 出勤量及其优越性,使他 入围 FIFA 每 年 度 最佳 阵 型 Kava Har [Spanish/RM] [323]: Winning Champions League & Euro Cup ranking Ballon d'Or fourth place and chosen as FIFA Best... Kawa Hall in the year of XX has been so shining that it is unnecessary to say more about him. You can't find any reason why he shouldn't be selected for best player at this time.>

MIDFIELDERS:< h2 />Rodri/Spain/Citizen ()26 years old)< br />In twenty-four years Rodri was a bumper crop year! The world's first waist rod helped Manchester achieve its historic four consecutive Premier League championships while also performing well on the European stage helping Spain win their championship title . In terms of personal honors,Rodrigo won UEFA's best award along with winning Balón de Oro in two thousand twenty-four being both awarded by one person born after nineteen ninety.< span style = 'text-decoration:none;'>Just like what Rodry said and did, his story illustrates how an ordinary boy can become world-class without adhering too rigidly traditional stereotypes!
Cro ss(Germany/Royal Palace)(34 Years Old);< str o ng>The winner among footballers who retired from peak performance belongs to Toni Kroos whose career ended perfectly with three champions league titles plus La Liga victory alongside Supercup wins during Europe’s tournament where he showcased masterful skills boasting over sixty percent pass accuracy throughout matches played leading into ninth position respectively within Golden ball rankings seventh spot globally playing through World Cups thus proving once again just how bright ‘Toni’ shines even if not appearing half way down season.
Bellingham[England]/Royal House/(twenty-one)—Conquered fans together when joining Real Madrid becoming core strength behind midfield seeing them claim five trophies including Spanish/Supercopa victories showing off twelve goals scored across forty-two appearances overall making sure every match counts whilst contributing assists totaling up thirteen times demonstrating full range capabilities displayed consistently despite only reaching adulthood recently but already marked himself amongst top talents worldwide.