2023年12月,南加州大学女子篮球队主教练林赛·戈特利布向她的球队宣布了一个惊喜:朱朱·沃特金斯带领特洛伊人队(南加州大学校队)成功晋级精英八强。戈特利布展示了一双由Mamba and Mambacita体育基金会赠送的新款球鞋——Nike Kobe 8 Protro,每一双都与南加州大学的配色相匹配。





"科比赋予我们的,不仅是关于胜负,还有一种生活方式,它深刻地改变了无数人的思想和灵魂。" 洛伊德表示,“他明白,通过篮球,可以传承自己的知识。” 科比如今被认为是一位杰出的运动员,其光环以及支持延伸至女性领域。他认可这些女孩也是优秀玩家,为她们打开通往更广阔体育世界的大门,与其分享价值观念,无疑提升了她们参与竞技活动的重要性。





"这是我第一次见证有人如此坚持并推广女生打球," 库里谈论起当年的情况, "这不仅限于Gigi所在团队,还包括整个女人界。通过接触年轻姑娘,以及亲临现场观看,我意识到他的决策展现出巨大的责任感与榜样效应."

women's basketball has reached new heights in popularity and potential. Last summer saw the establishment of a new women's 3x3 league called Unrivaled, meticulously crafted by WNBA players on the foundation of sports viability. Women’s college basketball is more mainstream than ever before, with top female athletes receiving well-deserved attention that contrasts sharply with their predecessors who often operated in isolation.

The greatness of these women can be attributed to their talent and hard work but also stems from being seen by someone like Kobe Bryant. When he acknowledged them, it brought visibility not just for themselves but for all aspiring young girls around the world pursuing similar dreams.

Kobe offered tangible support through calls and training sessions while publicly praising them at every opportunity—his very presence helped elevate WNBA merchandise into iconic status simply because he wore it.

This benefit extended beyond mere physical endorsements; his credibility was invaluable as he directed his immense influence toward advancing women's interests within sport culture itself.
< P >Even Phil Handy—a long-time Lakers assistant coach now leading Unrivaled—recognized how impactful Kobe had been on understanding women’s game dynamics: “I’ve always held some interest previously,” said Handy about engaging deeper since retirement began focusing efforts alongside Gianna & other younger talents during practices together.” He further noted conversations they shared regarding strategic ways forward enhanced overall coaching philosophies throughout this realm." < p > Curry recalls dining shortly before tragedy struck where discussions intended exploring business ventures morfed instead towards storytelling aimed inspiring youth imaginations across varied disciplines—not limited solely athletics alone…”That different side really resonated especially amongst girl communities” added Steph reflecting fondly upon those moments spent transitioning ideas over dinner tables filled laughter among friends past present alike! ”